What vitamins would make your teeth stronger…?

Flossing and brushing are important in maintaining a good oral hygiene, but did you know that the nutrient supplements that you consume can also have a great impact on your oral health? This blog will helps you to know about the best vitamins f or teeth and gums and also helps for what foods you can eat to add more of these nutrients to your daily diet. Surprisingly, many of the foods are delicious and natural. The following vitamins that you can consume in your daily routine: 1. Calcium: cause As we already know that the calcium is good for your bones and it’s also good for your teeth. Its helps to maintain a healthy body and teeth. Dairy products like milk and yogurt have a type of calcium that’s easy for your body to consume. Canned salmon and sardines are also good products. If you do not absorb meat or dairy, or want to add more calcium vegetables to your diet, try collards, brocooli, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and book Choy . Keep in mind that to pr...